PreEmptive Rewards™ is a by-invitation only and FREE membership program for proactive, like-minded people who follow their doctor’s recommendation to reduce risk factors.
You can save up to 50% off the cost of your natural medicines, while enjoying additional rewards.
As a member, you can earn two types of rewards:
Compliance Rewards: For being compliant with your doctor recommended treatment. Every few months you get a month’s supply FREE
Health Awareness Rewards: For reading health education material sent to you via mail and email, you will receive $10 off every 3-month’s supply. You are automatically entered to win a monthly lucky draw for a night out for 2 (Movie and dinner)
With your doctor’s recommendation of PMI’s all-natural therapeutic formulation(s) you will be invited to enroll into PreEmptive Rewards™, the FREE health education and cost savings rewards program.
If you are using PMI’s natural therapeutics and would like to enroll into PreEmptive Rewards™ please call 1-888-PRE-MED-1. Once eligibility is verified, you will be invited to join the program.
Already a member?
Click here for secure login